jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

The firsts couple of months at La Casita after the Summer break

It’s hard to believe it’s only been 10 weeks since La Casita re-opened after the summer break. These few weeks have been full of excitement and children and staff alike have really enjoyed the first half term of autumn. 

We all had fun getting to know each other a bit better… then ‘los 3 cerditos’ (3 little pigs) joined in.  We read the story and learnt songs about ‘el lobo feroz’ (big bad wolf). We loved playing with lots of exciting natural resources, mainly straws, bark, stones and mud. We built houses with boxes, made animals with twigs and stones and learnt about numbers 1 to 3.

To work on the Autumn topic we went on an outing to the Royal Pavilion Gardens to visit the squirrels and talk about this typical autumn animal. We saw lots of them and we also had the opportunity to feed them!

We have also enjoyed learning about fruits with ‘the very hungry caterpillar’ and ‘Handa’s surprise’. We printed with vegetables, peeled and cut fruit; made smoothies… we even had our own fruit shop with scales and trolleys! 

Halloween arrived soon after that and with it came the spiders, ghosts and pumpkins…  We loved dancing ‘el twist del esqueleto’, emptying pumpkins and lots of messy play: ‘jelly & eyes’, spaghetti… In the garden we managed to find all the hidden scary pictures during a gymkhana and indoors we made a magic potion using ‘ojos de gato y sangre de serpiente’… yuk!!

Guy Fawkes brought fireworks with lots of sparkly glitter; we even made a firework display, using spray guns and bright paint, that we hung on the ceiling… fantastic!!

We have learnt to recognise numbers and match them to quantities. We have also been linking sounds and letters with the jolly phonics and the older children are doing really well at writing their names!

This is just the beginning… next week is Diwali and we have lots more fun planned!

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